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"A Great Place to Live"

Watauga, TX

Watauga finds itself on the map because of the city’s outstanding business growth, low crime rates, high performing schools, affordable housing, and small town atmosphere. While there’s a lot this small city could pride themselves in, the city’s staff keeps their heads down and their hands on the plow to ensure Watauga’s successful future. 

In the heart of DFW, Watauga residents are able to profit from all the advantages of the big city without being bothered by the crowded streets, soaring cost of real estate, or high crime frequency. In 2008 Watauga was rated by CNN Money as being the second most affordable place to live in the nation. No doubt, real estate in Watauga has a higher value than it’s cost. 

More information available at the Northeast Tarrant Chamber of Commerce website. Please click HERE to view the full website. 

Watauga Facts:

Population: 24,629

Location: 11 miles Northeast of Downtown Fort Worth

Top 5 employers: 

  • Target
  • Birdville ISD
  • City of Watauga
  • Albertson’s
  • Harvest Baptist

Current Mayor: Hector F. Garcia

Link to city website:

County: Tarrant

Zip Codes: 

  • 76148
  • 76137